jammer 2
Partner leans over the table and whispers, “Psst, pard, I found a terrific new gadget for our two diamond spot. It’s called Jammer, because it ‘jams’ the auction. Flannery is useful, but I never seem to have the hand for it. Jammer comes in different versions, and the one I like happens almost FOURTEEN times as often as Flannery. That means you will open two diamonds in first seat as often as you open one spade or one club. Jammer is a suitless pre-empt, about as safe as a three-level opening with seven cards, and way less risky than those dumb six-card pre-empts you sometimes make. So it happens a whole lot, it carries acceptable risk, we will find defensive fits we could not otherwise, and it will really annoy the opponents. Interested?” I had to agree I was.
Before I describe this bid, let me introduce the concept of the ‘lawfulness’ of a bid, which will show that Jammer is a relatively ‘safe’ bid, as well as facilitate a comparison of Jammer with other shape-showing bids. Consider a bid which serves primarily to identify the length of a suit or suits … for example a Michaels cuebid. How often can we expect the best fit with intervenor’s suits to comply with the Law? For a two heart bid showing spades and, say, clubs, some two spade contracts will have a combined seven trumps (advancer holds pattern 2=5=3=3 say) and some three club contracts will have ten trumps (advancer holds 2=2=4=5 say). Given a suitably large sample, what are the chances of the various holdings that might arise?
According to the Law, it
makes bridge sense to compete to the two level with
eight trumps, and to the three level with nine trumps.
In what follows I have ignored any implications due to
skew, the notion that eight-zero fits might or might not
be preferable to four-four fits. Now
consider the symbolism ‘(A, B, C, D)’, where A is
the percentage of times you will have two fewer trumps
than the Law number (or worse), B is one fewer, C is the
Law holding, D is more than the Law requires. In
English, the summary approximately would be (% very poor
fit, substandard, good, great). The calculation for some
bids is trivial and available from published
distribution tables … for a
pre-empt with a seven card suit at the three level, 3 ~
(7, 26, 36, 31), simply reflecting the chances of the
opening bid facing a void, singleton, doubleton, three
or better. To investigate more complicated positions,
you will need a hand generator and a suitably large
sampling of deals. For a Michaels two heart bid showing
spades and say clubs, 2
~ (3, 19, 38, 40). Here
the ‘good’ C element means in 38% of deals, the
partnership will have either eight trumps for a two
spade contract, or nine trumps for three clubs. The
‘poor’ A factor represents those misfits when
intervenor has perhaps 5=2=1=5 pattern, and his
thoughtless partner holds something like 1=5=5=2.
Compared to other shape-showing bids, Michaels two
hearts is very lawful ... those are low A and B elements
… compare with the traditional three club opening
Jammer Two Diamonds is a weak
three-suiter, liberally defined to include three-card
suits, so to include patterns 4-4-3-2 (22% of all
hands), 5-4-3-1 (13%), 4-4-4-1 (3%) and 5-4-4-0 (1%),
comprising in total some 39% of all hands. Consider it a
modest pre-empt in one of three suits, with the suit not
yet established, but with foreknowledge there is a good
chance of a lawful fit. It is possible to play
Jammer wide open as described, with nothing more known
about the distribution of the hand. However at the end
of the day, only half your fits will be lawful, since
unfettered 2 ~ (14, 35, 30, 21), and the high A
component will be too frisky for most partnerships
(although still more lawful than six-card preempts at
the three level!). If you did choose to play this, with
a range of 4-9 HCP about 15% of your hands would
qualify, and you would open two diamonds more often than
any bid except pass. The pre-empt is safer if we know
more about the hand, although opportunities to bid are
fewer. I will describe two variations, one where opener
guarantees at least four spades, another where the short
suit is always clubs.
The variant I prefer is long
spade Jammer … same shapes, but opener guarantees
at least four spades. At 2 ~ (7, 31, 34, 28), the B
component is a little higher than you might like, but
manageable. With a 4-9 HCP range, nearly 7% of your
hands will qualify, so it will arise about as often as
any bid you make. It is a little less lawful than a
pre-empt with a seven card suit, but still, nearly
two-thirds of your trump fits will be good or better.
And it is not as if a B contract is the end of the
world … most of that component reflects 4-3 fits
at the two-level. The opponents have no way of knowing
your fit is not good because you will not stagger into
your contract, you just bid it with a big smile.
When responding to Jammer, remember these facts. Opener is a 90% favorite to have a three-card suit. He will have four spades about 80% of the time, and five about 20%. Opener’s shortness will be two cards a little more than half the time, and a singleton most of the rest. If you have a two-suited hand, neither one spades, you are guaranteed a fit in one suit but remember it might be opposite opener’s three-suiter. You often have a fallback in the known spade suit. Even if you hold some balanced 4-4-3-2 shape, without four spades, you will have a poor fit just 6% of the time. Your most awkward responding hands are short one-suited like 2=5-3-3 with short spades, where often your length is opposite opener’s shortness, so you must be prudent with these.
I will describe briefly the response principles I used to develop
2 ~ (7, 31, 34, 28). No system can produce a double
dummy result, where you always land in the optimum
contract. A double-dummy summary would be 2
(0, 22, 44, 34), and the closer we can come to that, the
better. Consider 2=3=3=5 in responder, an awkward
holding for Jammer. The ‘book’ response is two
hearts and not three clubs, tested over thousands of
deals. However, when opener holds 4=3=1=5 you happen to
land in a very poor 3-3 fit, missing the somewhat better
5-5. Oops, not good, but don’t lose sight of the fact
that any shape-showing bid produces disastrous
results from time to time; don’t you just love
partner’s unusual notrumps when you hold 5=5=2=1?
Opener will pass a response
of two hearts, unless that is his shortness, in which
case he will rebid two spades. He will pass two spades.
He passes three clubs. The only forcing non-jump
responses are two notrump, which asks for opener’s
best minor but might be the start of an invitational
sequence, and three diamonds (responder can pass two
diamonds if weak with diamonds), which says bid your
cheapest suit. The general rule for responder is simply
this: bid the cheapest of two suits (and three spades
constitutes a ‘suit’ in most cases), and be prudent
with balanced hands. If you have four or more spades,
bid spades unless you have five or more hearts, when you
first should try two hearts. If you have a long club
suit, bid three clubs and opener must pass. With long
diamonds, pass. With both minors, bid two notrump. For
strong or shapely hands, three hearts or spades are
pre-emptive, but invitational if rebid after a two
notrump query …. 2/2N//3
is invitational in
spades. Three diamonds is forcing and says bid your
suits up the line, skipping spades.
For responder, the spade suit is a
safe harbour. For example, holding 3=2=4=4 or 3=1=5=4 he
might be tempted to try for opener’s best minor with
two notrump, hoping for something like 4=1=5=3 in opener
… but he should not because it does not pay off long
term. Partner is marked with hearts, and too often will
hold something like 4=5=1=3 or 4=4=2=3 (intervenor did
not bid hearts), so responder should take his Moysian
lumps in a two spade contract … 20% of the time
partner will surprise with five of them. When in doubt,
bid conservatively; the opponents will have no idea what
kind of fit you have.
Here are some examples of auctions
where responder holds minimum hands, where the
lawfulness of this small sampling is ~ (10, 30, 30, 30).
has |
has |
Auction |
Category |
4=1=5=3 |
3=5=3=2 |
2 |
4-3 cat B |
4=4=2=3 |
3=4=4=2 |
2 |
4-4 cat C |
5=4=3=1 |
2=2=5=4 |
2 |
3-5 cat B |
5=4=1=3 |
4=4=2=3 |
2 |
5-4 cat D |
4=1=5=3 |
4=6=2=1 |
2 |
4-4 cat C |
4=3=2=4 |
1=3=3=6 |
2 |
3-6 cat D |
4=1=3=5 |
2=7=3=1 |
2 |
2-7 cat B |
4=1=4=4 |
2=5=1=5 |
2 |
4-5 cat C |
4=1=3=5 |
0=4=4=5 |
2 |
4-5 cat D |
4=2=3=4 |
2=4=4=3* |
2 |
3-4 cat A |
Another interesting variant is Short Club Jammer, where the shortness is restricted to the club suit. This is a very lawful bid, and easy to use. The price you pay for increased lawfulness is reduced frequency. If you play a range of 4-9 HCP, some 4% of your hands will qualify, compared to 7% for the long spade version. Still, this is approximately four times as often as you would hold a weak two diamond bid, and about four times you make a seven-card pre-empt.
For short club Jammer, 2 ~ (6,
22, 41, 31), more lawful than a seven-card three-bid.
Responses for weak hands are these: bid a long major,
pass with 5+ diamonds, bid two hearts with four hearts,
bid two spades with four spades, pass with four
diamonds. What remains are club one-suiters. With six or
more clubs, bid three clubs … half the time partner
will co-operate with two. With 2-3-3=5 clubs, pass with
three diamonds or bid two hearts or spades … you will
from time to time land in a 3-3 fit. For stronger
responding hands there are many sensible bidding
frameworks, maybe three diamonds invitational both
majors, three hearts/spades invitational, and two
notrump as a forcing relay to three clubs, then three
diamonds forcing both majors, three hearts/spades
How does the lawfulness of these openings compare to other shape-showing bids? Here are a few, listed in decreasing lawfulness of the bid. The ‘frequency’ guesstimate is necessarily crude, because style will be a large factor The frequency for the non-openers assumes the appropriate opening has already been made ... that is, for two heart Michaels, given that opener has opened one spade, intervenor will have the ingredients for a Michaels bid maybe 3% of the time.
Summary |
Freq |
Flannery |
(2, 20, 44, 34) |
0.5 % |
2 |
(3, 19, 38, 40) |
3% |
6-card Weak
2 |
(4, 19, 33, 44) |
1% |
Landy (5/4+) |
(5, 20, 36, 39) |
2% |
Jammer 2 |
(6, 22, 41, 31) |
4% |
2![]() |
(8, 18, 37, 37) | 2% |
Any 7-card 3-Bid |
(7, 26, 36, 31) |
1% |
Jammer 2![]() |
(7, 31, 34, 28) | 7% |
2![]() |
(10, 31, 36, 23) | 3% |
Weak 2![]() |
(16, 29, 31, 24) | ? 3% |
Jammer 2![]() |
(14, 35, 30, 21) | 15% |
2N Opener Minors (5/5) | (17, 35, 32, 16) | 2% |
Any 6-card 3-Bid | (24, 33, 28, 15) | ? 4% |
There will be the usual vulnerability and positional considerations for pre-emptive bids. You might not want to play Jammer when vulnerable against not, or you might raise the HCP range to 8 to 11, say. Like any pre-empt, it will be most effective in first seat, when the opponents will be in game range half the time. In subsequent seats you might raise the HCP bar somewhat, or play another gadget for which you will never have the right hand.
Smart defences will evolve, but for the beginnings of a Jammer defence, the opponents might try this: with balanced hands, double with 12-14 or 18+, and bid two notrump with 15-17. Suit bids are natural, but beware of possible length in opener. Pass then double would be takeout. Against long-spade Jammer, two spades would be a takeout double of spades.
Jammer is as lawful as many bids you already use. It effectively jams the auction. It arises a lot. It should be an excellent addition to your bidding toolkit.